
Best Strawberries. Hands Down.

weaver’s orchard is just plain awesome. family owned and operated, they’ve expanded a lot over the years but still are the nicest, friendliest folks to grow apples ever. you can pick your own stuff or, for the lazybones/fair skinned, they have a jam-packed store full of their amazing produce (and amazing samples of it all too-bonus!) plus they have a nice ye old amish country selection of goods for the tourist in you. but the best thing (besides the baby goats outside and the peach milkshakes at their summer festival) is the cider- fresh pressed in the fall or sold in little cider popsicles in the summer.


Lumpia Party

my friend rita first introduced me to lumpia, in particular lumpia shanghai (pictured) and turron. i wish i could find a better picture of turron…it’s sweet plantains wrapped up spring roll-style, fried and covered with melty brown sugar or honey. serrrriously. lumpia party at my house!